5 Happy Things 4.03.18

Sometimes it's the little things that make my day, like fluffy shoes and chicken nuggets. My 5 happy things for this week have been: 1. Due to the snow days I have spent a lot of time with friends as we're all stuck on campus to gather and it's been nice to be so social. … Continue reading 5 Happy Things 4.03.18

5 happy things 16

So.Many.Flowers!!! My allotment is like the day of the triffids!

Coping quote 22

Just keep swimming x 🐋

Self care quote 4

Look after yourself and let yourself heal x

Self care quote 3

Self care means you are surviving to do more than just the base functions in life ,and helps you get back to what is important.

Coping with the trigger of children and babies.

Only a liar would tell you that the pain goes away completely. The sharp shards of pain wear with time like glass in the sea. The edges dull and what was once clear to look at becomes clouded.

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What I’ve learnt in the last 6 months, and ways I’ve coped

The last 6 months have been crazy. Often awful, sometimes wonderful. Always worth trying to find the good in, even if it is just being glad you had it in you to clean your teeth.

Coping quotes 16

Love this

Coping Quotes 15

Coping Quotes 14

Thought this was Beautiful 

Coping Quotes 13

I cannot tell you how much the charity Sayinggoodbye have helped me in the last 6 months

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Coping quotes 11

I haven't posted any of these in a while. I'm in the middle of that crazy area of life they call A level preperation, so posts could get a bit thin on the ground till after June but I will try my best.

That app

I deleted it just now. The pregnancy tracker app. I used it, even when there wasn't a them to track anymore because it made me feel closer to them, but I've realised that all it was doing was taking me away, because it wasn't real anymore. I haven't needed to look on it for a … Continue reading That app

Safety net.

Safety nets, we all have them.

Coping quotes 10

Playlist Surviving Miscarriage Together 

Updated playlist I find music very comforting, and a valuable emotional release. I find it easier to cope with music. Here are some songs I have found that I found really helpful during and after my miscarriage. * means the song contains religious content, so you can avoid it if this is an issue for … Continue reading Playlist Surviving Miscarriage Together 

Five happy things 4

Then 'New Human' in the family is a girl and the in laws are calling her Skye. This makes me happy, being able to buy baby clothes with happy thoughts makes me feel like a ton of bricks has come off my chest after the grief of last week/ the last 3+ months. I spent … Continue reading Five happy things 4

Look up to the Skye and see…

Today I found out that my 'sister in law' (sorta. We'll call her this for simplicities sake) is having a baby girl, and that they plan to name her Skye. When I first learned that my brother and sister in law (on my partners side) were having a baby I was heartbroken, I felt so … Continue reading Look up to the Skye and see…