
This site was set up in December 2016 to help process my own miscarriage (22.10.2016), and to provide a support network or others who are in similar situations.

Although the Surviving Miscarriage Together site is primarily based on the impact of miscarriage, and our desire to break the social stigma surrounding such a loss, we also tackle the subject of infirtility, pregnancy after loss, the decision not to have biological children, trying to conceve, and other types of babyloss and early infant death.

Our personal experience is only with miscarriage, and since the Summer or 2017, also with Chemical pregnancy.

We have experience with the difficult decision not to have biological children on our blog, and we plan to grow our family via adoption although we have not fully embarked on that journey yet.

Go to our blog to follow our story and experiences of living life after loss.

I also create free commemorative artwork for families who have experienced babyloss (search @zoe.makes on Instagram or ‘Zoe Makes’ on Facebook). Support our cause by donating or sharing by clicking this link.